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Photo: Guy from Taayosh

Photo: Guy from Taayosh

Last Thursday we came to the Supreme Court to protect the future of Susya, from both demolitions and violence. Read the outcome of the legal discussion. Thanks to everyone who distributed the call for help (thousands of letters were sent to President Shimon Peres asking for his assistance) and who came to the Court!

Further Update from the Two Supreme Court Petitions on Susya

The Supreme Court published its interim decision today on the future of the Palestinian village of Susya [31 Jan 2013]: 

Regarding the petition of the far-right organization Regavim calling for demolition of the village, the court decided – in accordance with attorneys Avital Sharon and Quamar Mishirky-Asad of RHR, who represent the village – to grant an extension of 90 days, to allow for the preparation of a plan for the southern section of the village. The state has never provided suitable planning for Palestinian Susya – as it must – and that the planning system which determines the fate of Palestinians in Area C is a military system that does not represent the residents (it is as if the Palestinian Police were to plan Israeli towns without involving Israelis in the process). Granting the possibility of submitting plans by civic parties in dialogue with the villagers is the least that can be expected in terms of justice and fairness. 

In the petition that RHR submitted on behalf of the Susya residents, against the methodical blockage of access to their lands, the court gave the state 90 days to detail its plans in that regard. In paragraph 1 of the decision the court directs the state to address in detail to each plot around Susya, and in the absence of a court decision, to provide a date by which the investigation will conclude. 

Quamar Mishirky Asad: “Overall it’s a positive ruling, under the circumstances. You have to understand that the attempt to push the Palestinian villagers of Susya into the town of Yata, far from their livelihood – their fields – demonstrates a readiness to trample human rights in favor of an unofficial political policy to annex parts of Area C – annexation without Palestinians. Any political program must be subject to the principles of human and civil rights.” 

Rabbi Arik Ascherman: “The truth is that we, Israeli society, are judged on our use of the monopoly of force to determine the fate of Palestinians; of those unrepresented among the judges of the Supreme Court or the planning commissions that determine their future. How can we be a country that twice expelled families from their homes in Susya, pressed them until they lived in caves, destroyed those caves, and then issued demolition orders for anything they built with a roof? Nathan the prophet told David that the king himself was the man who had stolen the poor man’s allegorical sheep. When the ruling comes out, the people will now if we are the analogous state. King David recognized himself in the story. If we recognize who we are today, maybe we will succeed in becoming who we want to be tomorrow.” 

A Brief History of Palestinian Susya: In the 1980’’s the original village was designated an archaeological zone and cleared of its residents with no alternative accommodations; entry by Palestinians was barred, not even as visitors. With no choice the uprooted villagers moved to their nearby fields. All buildings deemed illegal are the result of forced expulsion, as is the destruction of the caves in which most of the villagers lived until 2001 (which is what forced them to set up tents). For more extended history please click Here! 

What do you feel about the Supreme Court Proceedings on Thursday (31 January) Regarding the Palestinian Village of Susya?

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Introducing the Children of Susya

In this video-post you will get to know the children of the Nawaja and Shuneran families, the two largest families in Susya.

Susya’s Elementary School

This video will introduce Susya's elementary school, which was established four years ago and has been under the constant threat of demolition

Not Connected to the Water Infrastructure

In this post we accompany the children of the Shuneran family on their daily chore of shepherding and sheep grazing.

Not Connected to the Education Infrastructure

In this episode of Disconnected we follow ten-year-old Hamudy on his way to a regional school in the village of A-Twany. A-Twany is bigger than Susya and can provide better education, but is a twenty-minute drive by bus and cannot meet the needs of all of Susya's children.  We then return to the harsh reality in Susya's local school and its sorry condition. But even under these circumstances we will learn an optimistic lesson in democracy and the ability to choose against the dictatorship that seeks to impose its rules.

Right-wing extremists violent through the eyes of the children in Palestinian Susya

The Palestinian village of Susya has a history of suffering under the often-violent friction with extremists from the nearby Jewish settlement of the same name. The security forces rarely deals with the violent and every now and then even support the extremists  Hamudy, a child from Palestinian Susya is telling us about how he’s experience these events.

“This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of “Shomrei-Mishpat: Rabbis for Human Rights” and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

“This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of “Shomrei-Mishpat: Rabbis for Human Rights” and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.


. President/Prime Minister 3 More videos from Susya 10 years old Hadidja A-Twany act now A Fair and Just Consideration of Susya's Master Plan ancient hebrew Arava Institute alumni archaeological zone A story of a Palestinian village without basic infrastructure #2 cautious optimism civil administration climate demolition environment episode of Disconnected For treatment of Regavim’s misleading responses to the issue idf Important Supreme Court Session on the Future of the Palestinian Village of Susya installing biogas systems in which methane for domestic use is produced from manure interim decisions Introducing the Children of Susya israel israeli army israeli civil administration israeli supreme court judiciary Kiryat Arba local Palestinian residents middle-east mt hebron nature Not connected to the water infrastructure occupied territories palestine Palestinian village palestinian village without basic infrastructure politics rabbis for human rights rhr right wing extremists save susya science shimon peres Shuneran family south hebron hills south hebron mountains supreme court justice susya Susya's children. Susya's Elementary School temporary injunction Thank You! The origin of the expulsion – A Brief history of Palestinian Susya the people in Susya threatened with destruction Video #1: Introducing the Children of Susya Video #4: Not Connected to the school video-blog video-post videoblog Watch: Installing biogas systems In Susya west bank palestinians Write to the President and prime Minister

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