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This video will introduce Susya’s elementary school, which was established four years ago and has been under the constant threat of demolition. The pending demolition orders issued by the Israeli Civil Administration (The branch of the Israeli army that deals with civilian affairs.) put at risk the basic right to education for dozens of young students, and threaten to destroy years of hard work carried out by devoted teachers. The school offers the first stage of education for children between the ages of 6-11 (Sometimes children attend even when they are older, as they cannot afford to continue their education elsewhere). The school is run by the principal, Muhammad Abu Jaber, and four teachers. The faculty members and the principal are also responsible for the maintenance of the school. Because educational alternatives are very distant and require families to pay for transportation, the existence of this school is critical to the lives of the younger generation of Susya.

Watch! Susya’s Elementary School

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Introducing the Children of Susya

In this video-post you will get to know the children of the Nawaja and Shuneran families, the two largest families in Susya.

Susya’s Elementary School

This video will introduce Susya's elementary school, which was established four years ago and has been under the constant threat of demolition

Not Connected to the Water Infrastructure

In this post we accompany the children of the Shuneran family on their daily chore of shepherding and sheep grazing.

Not Connected to the Education Infrastructure

In this episode of Disconnected we follow ten-year-old Hamudy on his way to a regional school in the village of A-Twany. A-Twany is bigger than Susya and can provide better education, but is a twenty-minute drive by bus and cannot meet the needs of all of Susya's children.  We then return to the harsh reality in Susya's local school and its sorry condition. But even under these circumstances we will learn an optimistic lesson in democracy and the ability to choose against the dictatorship that seeks to impose its rules.

Right-wing extremists violent through the eyes of the children in Palestinian Susya

The Palestinian village of Susya has a history of suffering under the often-violent friction with extremists from the nearby Jewish settlement of the same name. The security forces rarely deals with the violent and every now and then even support the extremists  Hamudy, a child from Palestinian Susya is telling us about how he’s experience these events.

“This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of “Shomrei-Mishpat: Rabbis for Human Rights” and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

“This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of “Shomrei-Mishpat: Rabbis for Human Rights” and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.


. President/Prime Minister 3 More videos from Susya 10 years old Hadidja A-Twany act now A Fair and Just Consideration of Susya's Master Plan ancient hebrew Arava Institute alumni archaeological zone A story of a Palestinian village without basic infrastructure #2 cautious optimism civil administration climate demolition environment episode of Disconnected For treatment of Regavim’s misleading responses to the issue idf Important Supreme Court Session on the Future of the Palestinian Village of Susya installing biogas systems in which methane for domestic use is produced from manure interim decisions Introducing the Children of Susya israel israeli army israeli civil administration israeli supreme court judiciary Kiryat Arba local Palestinian residents middle-east mt hebron nature Not connected to the water infrastructure occupied territories palestine Palestinian village palestinian village without basic infrastructure politics rabbis for human rights rhr right wing extremists save susya science shimon peres Shuneran family south hebron hills south hebron mountains supreme court justice susya Susya's children. Susya's Elementary School temporary injunction Thank You! The origin of the expulsion – A Brief history of Palestinian Susya the people in Susya threatened with destruction Video #1: Introducing the Children of Susya Video #4: Not Connected to the school video-blog video-post videoblog Watch: Installing biogas systems In Susya west bank palestinians Write to the President and prime Minister

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